Our services

We work with Clients who are interested in the rapidly growing market of Kazakhstan
Dispute resolution in the AIFC Court and IAC

Dispute resolution in the court of the Astana International Financial Center (AIFC)

The AIFC Court is an independent body based on the principles of English law and the standards of leading international financial centers.

If you are already a member of the AIFC or are ready to submit an existing commercial dispute to the AIFC Court for resolution, we would like to offer you:

  • analyzing the available jurisprudence and assess the prospects of successful litigation;
  • conducting pre-trial settlement of an existing commercial dispute, including claims correspondence;
  • professionally representing your interests in the AIFC Court;
  • provision of legal assistance in the execution of a Court decision on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and at the international level.

Dispute resolution in the court of the International Arbitration Center

International arbitration is an independent, cost-effective and expeditious alternative to litigation.

If you are interested in obtaining an independent and impartial decision and acting in accordance with the best international standards, we offer you to:

  • analyze the practice of arbitration courts, assess the prospects and develop an overall strategy for arbitration;
  • prepare the necessary documents and collect evidence;
  • professionally represent your interests as a plaintiff, defendant, third party in arbitration proceedings;
  • prepare opinions for you on issues of Kazakh and foreign law;
  • develop recommendations on the choice of alternative means of dispute resolution, including through mediation;
  • provide the necessary assistance in enforcing an arbitral award, as well as in setting it aside.

To get a consultation, leave an application on the website or call the phone numbers listed. Our specialists will contact you as soon as possible to clarify the circumstances of the case.

Registration of permits and licenses in the Astana International Financial Center (AIFC)
To become a member of AIFC, any company that plans to conduct financial activities or provide certain ancillary services to or from AIFC must go through a number of licensing procedures (obtain a license).
If you want to become a member of AIFC, but you do not know what kind of activities your planned activity will fall under, whether it requires a license and what requirements are set for its receipt, whether there is a need to register the company as a legal entity before obtaining a license or in your case you only need a registration, we strongly recommend first of all to contact our specialized employees who will help you to:
  • determine whether registering with the Center would make economic sense in your situation;
  • determine which services - regulated, market-based, or ancillary - will need to be applied for;
  • determine who will represent Senior Management and who will be in authorized positions, if necessary;
  • help prepare to fill out the required individual questionnaires;
  • accompany the development of a comprehensive business plan outlining your planned activities, projections, etc;
  • make other necessary arrangements for obtaining a license.
Contact us at the phone numbers listed or leave a request on the website.
Our specialists will advise you on your questions and, if necessary, arrange an appointment at one of our offices in Astana and Almaty.
Accounting services in AIFC. Tax consultations

Despite the fact that certain tax benefits are provided for AIFC participants, however, this circumstance does not exempt them from maintaining proper accounting records and submitting tax and statistical forms.

If you are already a member of the AIFC or are looking for optimal solutions for organizing business processes, ways to reduce current expenses, or get qualified tax advice, we offer:

  • analyze internal documents and reports of the company, provide a forecast of possible tax risks and offer working solutions to minimize them;
  • prepare a written consultation (opinion) on the application of tax legislation and the impact of its changes on the company's activities, if necessary, etc.

In addition, we are ready to provide professional accounting services to your company on an ongoing basis.

Contact us at the specified phone numbers or leave a request on the website. Our specialists will advise you in detail on the services offered.

Registration (authorization) and business support in the AIFC

Favorable tax regime, operational benefits and additional development opportunities make doing business in Astana International Financial Center (AIFC) the most attractive for our Clients.

The territory of the financial center has a special legal regime based on English law, which contributes to stable and safe investment and development of financial institutions. As a full-scale, high-quality platform for investors, financiers, asset managers, funds and financial institutions, the AIFC have all the necessary resources for this.

If you want to become a member of AIFC and pass the registration (authorization) procedure in a short time, we offer you our services in:

  • analyzing the type of planned activity;
  • choosing the optimal organizational and legal form, taking into account the specifics of the business;
  • development of the necessary constituent documents according to the rules of the AIFC;
  • your preparation for an interview with AIFC representatives;
  • providing the necessary assistance in obtaining licenses for regulated activities.
At the same time, we offer additional services to support participants in AIFC, such as:
  • analysis and customization of your business model to AIFC standards in order to pass the registration (authorization) procedure;
  • tax optimization of company activities, tax benefits;
  • accounting support of the company, submission of tax returns;
  • providing advice on the application of AIFC legislation;
  • support of transactions within the framework of the AIFC;
  • visa support.

To get legal advice on business registration and support in the AIFC, leave a request on the website or call the phone numbers listed below.

Жасулан Муздубаев Старший юрист
Zhasulan Muzdubayev
Legal Representative
"We organize the protection of Clients' interests at all stages of obtaining permits, including in courts for disputes related to permits."

MG Partners Ltd. is a new generation of professional lawyers.

Experience of our employees meets the current market trends and the needs of Clients: the right understanding of the objectives and goals of the business.

We help clients resolve their commercial disputes and achieve real enforcement of judgments of various jurisdictions.

Our staff has an in-depth knowledge of the international legal environment combined with the peculiarities of Kazakhstan law.

High level of service and prompt response
Established contacts in Kazakhstan
Truly individual approach to each Client
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Aidos Bolat
Legal Consultant
"We are always ready to answer your questions and offer solutions specifically for your situation."

MG Partners Ltd. is a new generation of professional lawyers.

Experience of our employees meets the current market trends and the needs of customers: the right understanding of the objectives and goals of the business.

This is not the first year when we help our Clients in resolving issues related to the registration of legal entities under the rules of the "Astana" International Financial Center (AIFC).

Our staff has an in-depth knowledge of the international legal environment combined with the peculiarities of Kazakhstan law, which is extremely important for companies when entering new markets.

High level of service and prompt response
Established contacts in Kazakhstan
Truly individual approach to each Client
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Туртаева Юлия Финансовый консультант
Yuliya Turtayeva
Financial Advisor
“We are interested in increasing the profitability of our Clients. This is the key to success for MG Partners”

MG Partners Ltd. is a new generation of professional lawyers.

Experience of our employees meets the current market trends and the needs of customers: the right understanding of the objectives and goals of the business.

Our regular Clients are both residents and non-residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan. We understand the subtleties and peculiarities of taxation of non-residents in Kazakhstan, as well as taxation within the framework of activities in the Astana International Financial Center.

Our staff has an in-depth knowledge of the international legal environment combined with the peculiarities of Kazakhstan law.

High level of service and prompt response
Established contacts in Kazakhstan
Truly individual approach to each Client
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Already at the first consultation you will receive specific recommendations on your issue.
Болат Айдос Консультант
Aidos Bolat
Legal Consultant
"We are always ready to answer your questions and offer solutions specifically for your situation."

MG Partners Ltd. is a new generation of professional lawyers.

Experience of our employees meets the current market trends and the needs of customers: the right understanding of the objectives and goals of the business.

This is not the first year when we help our Clients in resolving issues related to the registration of legal entities under the rules of the "Astana" International Financial Center (AIFC).

Our staff has an in-depth knowledge of the international legal environment combined with the peculiarities of Kazakhstan law, which is extremely important for companies when entering new markets.

High level of service and prompt response
Established contacts in Kazakhstan
Truly individual approach to each Client
Download AIFC presentation
Calfrac Well Services

We would like to thank MG Partners Law Firm and yourself in particular lorthe excellent legal services.Thank you for your dedicated service, and please feel free to share our appreciation and recommendatlon with prospective clients.

Институт Гипростроймост

ОАО Институт Гипростроймост искренне благодарит за сотрудничество. Благодаря усилиям коллектива MG PARTNERS нам удалось оперативно создать филиал и наладить его работу. Ваш профессионализм и добропорядочность позволили в кратчайшие сроки достигнуть большого результата – получение лицензии на проектирование 1 категории.


Компания Losa Feuerfestservice GmbH выражает искреннюю благодарность Юридической компании MG PARTNERS за высокое качество и оперативность услуг по предоставлению юридического сопровождения в области охраны труда и техники безопасности. Рекомендую Юридическую компанию MG PARTNERS как надежного контрагента.


Мы остались полностью удовлетворены работой сотрудников компании MG PARTNERS, все наши задачи были решены оперативно, была предоставлена исчерпывающая информация по всем заданным вопросам. Отдельную благодарность хотелось бы выразить Султанбаеву Нурлану — с самых первых шагов сотрудничества прочувствовали искреннюю заинтересованность, надежное партнерское плечо.


Компания MG PARTNERS предоставляет свои услуги в максимально сжатые сроки. Работа выполняется с надлежащим качеством, учитывая все нюансы и пожелания. Сотрудники компании MG PARTNERS показывают себя высокими профессионалами, которые следят за качеством выполняемой работы и учитывают все пожелания клиента.


С Компанией MG PARTNERS работатем 2-й год. Очень оперативно решают вопросы. Их юридические консультации позволяют нам минимизировать риски при работе с Заказчиками и поставщиками. Качеством предоставляемых работ довольны.


We thank MG Partners Law Firm, a law firm in Karaganda, Kazakhstan, for providing their legal services to us and appreciate the team's knowledge, hardworking etc. in providing such legal services. We are happy to avail your continuous services in future and wish you a good success in years ahead.

Green Wall BV

We thank MG Partners for the sincere and honest efforts in handling our legal cases against one of the TOP Steel Industry ArcelorMittal Group, resulted in obtaining a favourable order to us. We have been availing your team's services for more than a year and we appreciate your team's dedication, hard-working and well driven positive attitude in providing best of the services.

УРБАН Консалтинг

Компания MG PARTNERS предоставляла услуги в виде сопровождения по корпоративным спорам Республики Казахстан и оказывала содействие в виде составления юридических заключений по экономичиеским и коммерческим вопросам текущей деятельности нашей компании.

Changes in the international tax assessment of Kazakhstan in 2017

Below we can discuss the main developments in the tax assessment of Kazakhstan for non-residents.


Part 26 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakstan (further referred as RK) allows full or partial discharge from the double tax assessment of the various types of profits of non-residents, which were obtained from the sources in RK under the condition of the existence of the agreement between RK and the country of residence of a non-resident in order to avoid double tax assessment.

This means that a non-resident of such a country has a possibility to pay taxes from Kazakhstan originated profits only in his own country, but only in case if he is able to prove the residency by providing Kazakhstan contractor apostilled certificate of residence from his country and the extract from the trade register or, alternatively, a passport copy.

Para 4 and 5 of section 219 of the Tax Code states that the documents approving the citizenship of a non-resident is an official document, which can be in a form of:

  1. an original of such a document;
  2. notary certified copy of such a document;
  3. from 2017 it is necessary to present in hard copy of electronic document that proves residency, located in the internet source of the competent body of the foreign country (Georgia, Spain, Moldova, Czech Republic etc.).


In accordance with para 4 section 212 of the Tax Code in a case when a non-resident provides services or completes works in the territory of RK in a specific time limits, which does not result into the permanent entity in RK, for the purpose of applying international agreement legal non-resident should present to the tax agent both documents proving residency and notary certified copies of the Certificate of Incorporation or extracts from the trade register mentioning incorporators (members) and shareholders of a legal non-resident.

The same documents are needed in order to get return of the income tax for non-resident from the budget or provisional bank deposit.

Additionally from 2017 in a case if the foreign country does not provide such documents (Certificate of Incorporation, extract from trade register) such a non-resident has to provide a document from the foreign country, which was used to become a non-resident, legality of which is proven by the appropriate official body within the foreign country.

International information exchange cooperation

In 2004 Kazakhstan ratified the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, which was signed by 103 countries including 19 offshore jurisdictions.

Convention provides exchange of information on the mutual basis between participating countries in order to prevent shadow economy, money laundering, including avoidance of tax payments.

Therefore, Kazakhstan continues further liberalisation of the tax regime in order to create a fruitful atmosphere for foreign investments and capital growth.

With us you will feel yourself confident in all territory of Kazakhstan. Please contact out specialists for your free consultation.

Tileu Azhikulova
MG Partners

On licensing in Kazakhstan

The statutory tool which governs the area is Permits and Notifications Act, that regulates public relations connected to permits or notifications of entrepreneurship of certain activity types.

Electronic system of licensing in Kazakhstan simplifies the document submission procedure. Further the electronic license itself will be in the public access on elicense.kz. Through the search it is possible to find any license by its validity status. Everyone is able to check the other party for the right to conduct the licensing type of activity. Kazakhstan creates all conditions for the development of businesses and there is a policy for the reduction of regulatory approval system currently in place.

On 29th March 2016 licensing for the activities connected to collection, storing, recycling and realisation of crow-bar and chromatic and ferrous metals was cancelled. Such activities would have a compulsory notification nature, which means that before starting this activity the interested party would need to send the notification about the start of activities to the governmental body governed by Permits and Notifications Act. When finishing the named activities the party would also need to notify the governmental body.

Licensing in the industrial sector is currently central in Kazakhstan. According to the Permits and Notifications Act activities connected to purchase of energy power for the purposes of energy supply and also for operation of mining and chemical manufactures are possible for licensing, particularly:

  1. Extraction of solid commercial minerals
  2. Exploitation and development of solid commercial materials by open surface and underground methods
  3. Process operations within fields boundaries
  4. Operation of explosive works for solid commercial materials
  5. Liquidation works for closure of mines and pits
  6. Underground well workovers, disassembly of equipment and facilities, installations of the lifting machinery
  7. Examination after the well workovers
  8. Cleaning, carbonisation, testing and exploration of wells
  9. Operation of chemical production.

In Kazakhstan very common are license in the area of architecture of urban development and building activities:

  • License for the building and installation works
  • License for project activities (I,II, III categories)
  • License for the development activities (does not have categories)

In Kazakhstan pharmaceutical activity in the sphere of production of drugs is very active. There are more and more drug stores and private clinics opening. In order to work in this are entrepreneurs must get the license for the medical and pharmaceutical activities.

Public places, shops and stores, that work with retail sale of alcohol must get the license for the storage and retail sale of alcohol production, and under the wholesale distribution fill in for the license for the storage and wholesale distribution of alcohol production.

There are also other areas that require licensing , such as production and manufacture of alcohol production, ethyl alcohol and tobacco.

We have been helping to acquire licenses and approval documents “under lock” for more than 9 years. Contact us for your free consultation.

Senior Lawyer MG Partners
Darja Markina

Business climate in Kazakhstan

Due to its geographical position and rich mineral reserves Kazakhstan is one of the most attractive countries for investments. Besides gifts of nature and the ancestral heritage the government of our country uses all opportunities for the creation of the most favourable climate for successful business management.

With regards to the major work done Kazakhstan appeared in the rating “Doing Business 2017” of World Bank, where it took 35th position, upgrading by 16 points compared to “Doing Business 2016”, where our republic was placed on 51st position.

Development continues, as World Bank marked top 10 countries with the high share of reforms in the area of improvement of business climate, where Kazakhstan took 2nd position in 7 categories. Additionally, Kazakhstan was awarded as a best reformer for the fourth time in the last 12 years.

Improvements deal with all areas which the potential investor could face while conducting entrepreneurial activity in Kazakhstan.

Therefore, there have been various unprecedented measures taken in order to improve the business environment and reduce administerial pressure on businesses through reforms of the current legislation, perfection of the regulatory approval system, simplification of business establishment procedures and optimisation of governmental control and supervision activities.

There have been simplified procedures of business registration, cancelled fee payment for registration of small and medium-sized entities, reduced term of registration and minimised the list of the required documents, as a part of the framework of improvement of the investment climate. Duties of all supervisory bodies are clearly stated and reduced to the maximum in relation to subjects of entrepreneurship, fully excluding unlawful checks and intrusion in the internal activities of entities. Businesses will also benefit from the simplified procedure to acquire licenses (permits) and many more other positive developments.

Nevermind that only in 2016 the volume of gross inflow of straight foreign investments in Kazakhstan amounted to 20,6 billion US dollars, our country has a lot of less competitive market spheres, which require new participants.

Consequently, as for the current stage of the development of economy and the country as a whole every company has an opportunity to take over its niche in the market of Kazakhstan and central-Asian region.

We have already helped more than 50 non-resident companies to enter the market of Kazakstan. Contact us for you free consultation.

Daniyar Iklasov,
Senior lawyer MG Partners

Lex mercatoria

Lex mercatoria is the part of commercial law which consists of unwritten customs and practice of merchants, so far as satisfying externally set criteria for validation . It happens, when states or any representatives of different legal systems agree to have treaty, or any contracts based on the rules of national law, proceed under the practice of international trade . Therefore, in this case we can also call the process of lex mercatoria as a part of the international trade law . Nevertheless, there is a difference between lex mercatoria and transnational commercial law. Transnational commercial law contains rules and principles in legal systems, whereas lex mercatoria consists of rules of customary commercial law, customary rules of evidence and procedure and general principles of commercial law, including international public policy . With regard to opinion of professor Lando, there is a list of elements of lex mercatoria, which consists of public international law, uniform laws, the general principles of law, the rules of international organisations, uncodified customs and usages, codifications of customs and usages by international, organisations, standard-form contracts and reported arbitral awards . However, professor Goode had observed that only general principles of law and uncodified customs and usages constitute lex mercatoria, but together all of these elements form the part of the transnational commercial law, considering that,

«no reference is made to the decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Communities which has itself developed general principles, or of national courts when interpreting or applying international instruments or usage, though these obviously carry a much more general authority than arbitral awards and should be regarded as constituent elements of transnational commercial law».

There is no agreement what the lex mercatoria comprises in present. For someone, it is another tag for transnational commercial law, which surrounded by formal and informal ways of harmonisation. For others it is the product of international law-making through international trade usage as evidenced by rules of trade, associations, standard-term contracts and general principles and rules and restatements formulated by international agencies .

«What has been said of the lex mercatoria may well be applied to “transnational law” in general, i.e. to all kinds of principles and rules of non-national or a-national character used in international business practice as an alternative to domestic law».

We can see it in preamble of Principles of International Commercial Contracts of the UNIDROIT «they may be applied when the parties have agreed that their contract be governed by general principles of law, the lex mercatoria, or the like», which means that the Principles based on common origin and responsive to practices and usages, but also very adaptable to commercial needs and the world of international trade .


  1. Baron, G. (1999). «Do the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts Form a New Lex Mercatoria» Arbitration International. pp.115-130.
  2. Bertman, H. J. Kaufman, C. (1978). «Law of International Commercial Transactions (Lex Mercatoria)». Harvard International Law Journal , pp. 221-277.
  3. Bonell, M. (2000). «The UNIDROIT Principles and Transnational Law». Uniform Law Review.
  4. Goode, R. (1997). «Usage and its Reception in Transnational Commercial Law». International and Comparative Law Quarterly, pp. 1-36.
  5. Goode, R. Kronke, H. McKendrick, E. (2007). Transnational Commercial Law. Text, Cases, and Materials. Oxford University Press
  6. Lando, O. (1985). «The Lex Mercatoria in International Commercial Arbitration». International and Comparative Law Quarterly, pp. 747-768.


  1. UNIDROIT Principles on International Commercial Contracts.

Senior Lawyer MG Partners
Temir Ibrayev

Terms of Astana International Financial Center.

Astana International Financial Center (hereinafter – AIFC) represents special legal regime in financial field, advantage in the form of tax preferences for certain types of financial services, created on the model of Dubai International Financial Center. In the AIFC frames, conditions for all types of business were created with its independent judicial system (AIFC arbitrage), and anyone is able to find the niche, regardless whether it is a small or large business. AIFC may become one of the largest financial centers in Asia. One of core elements of AIFC is Islamic financing – which is one of the world trends. In its framework, it is possible to invite investments into small, medium and large business. One more mechanism of financing – green financing – typified by floatation of “green” bonds on the AIFC exchange, which makes it available to additionally finance entities that execute practice in the field of alternative energy.

About special legal regime
The legislation of AIFC is based on Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and consist of Constitutional Law and AIFC Acts. The key point and a substantive aspect of AIFC is a new jurisdiction, based on principles of English law, which regulates relations of AIFC participants and interested parties, purposed to improvement of financial market.

Advantageous tax regime
Zero tax rate for corporate and individual income, land tax and property tax, also for securities sales income, dividends and rewards for delivered securities during 50 years (until the end of 2065). Besides, Tax Code prescribes a list of financial services’ totals, that are freed of VAT.

Simplified visa regime
Citizens of 45 countries are exempt from visa requirements for 30 days of presence on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (OECD countries, Malaysia, Monaco, UAE and Singapore). With the purpose of assuring advantageous conditions for settling business in frames of AIFC jurisdiction an Expat Center was created. It practices assistance in receiving a wide range of state and other services by the principle of “One contact”, including: gaining visas, registration of foreign labor force, simplified order of gaining permits for stretching the foreign labor force.

Yuliya Turtayeva
Tax Consultant of MG Partners Law Firm